Application Spy
Record all the executed applications on the monitored PC. Together with keylogger, it provides a full picture of user behavior. Knowing which apps were active when certain keys were typed can help understand the context of actions or conversations.
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Record applications executed with timestamp, application path and title
Record all applications including legacy programs and Windows apps
Record all Windows user accounts on the target computer
Check the logs on cloud dashboard from anywhere
Why Parents And Employers Need Application Spy?

Parents and employers monitor application usage for several reasons:

For Parents: Safety: To protect children from inappropriate content and online dangers. Screen Time Management: To limit excessive use of applications and promote healthy habits. Behavior Monitoring: To keep an eye on social interactions and potential cyberbullying. Educational Focus: To ensure kids are using devices for learning rather than distractions.

For Employers: Productivity: To ensure employees are focused on work-related tasks and not wasting time on non-work applications. Data Security: To protect sensitive information and prevent unauthorized application usage. Policy Compliance: To ensure employees adhere to company policies regarding application use. Performance Tracking: To assess how effectively employees are utilizing their time and resources.

Start Using in 3 Easy Steps
Click Buy Now to get full version download
Install it on the PC you want to monitor
Start monitoring and get reported at anytime