Clipboard Spy
Monitor and record all text data they copy on the target PC. Using clipboard spy alongside a keylogger enhances overall monitoring capabilities and provides more comprehensive view of monitored activities.
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Record all text copied and pasted on the monitored computer
Record clipboad text with timestamp, user name, details
Record important information, such as passwords, URLs or messages
Check the logs on cloud dashboard from anywhere
Why Using Clipboard Spy Alongside A Keylogger?

Using clipboard spy alongside a keylogger can provide additional insights for several reasons:

Capturing Copy-Pasted Content: Keyloggers typically record keystrokes, but they might not capture data copied to the clipboard. Monitoring the clipboard lets you see important information, such as passwords, URLs, or messages that users copy and paste. Identifying Sensitive Information: If a child or employee is sharing sensitive information (like personal data or confidential work documents), clipboard monitoring can help you spot this behavior that might not be recorded by a keylogger. Understanding Usage Patterns: Clipboard data can show what users are frequently copying, revealing their interests, communication habits, or potential issues like accessing inappropriate content. Enhanced Monitoring: Combining clipboard monitoring with a keylogger provides a more comprehensive view of digital activities, allowing for better-informed decisions regarding safety or productivity. Preventing Data Leakage: In a workplace setting, it helps monitor if employees are copying sensitive company data to share outside, thus safeguarding company information.

In summary, using clipboard spy alongside a keylogger enhances overall monitoring capabilities and provides a fuller picture of online behavior.

Start Using in 3 Easy Steps
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Install it on the PC you want to monitor
Start monitoring and get reported at anytime