File Activity Spy
Monitor and record their file access and changes on the target PC. Provides valuable insights into how users interact with their files, enhancing monitoring and oversight.
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Track file open, modification or deletion, providing insight into user behavior.
Record changes made to files, including edits and saves
Help in understanding how users interact with their documents
Record file history with file name, user name and timestamp
Check the logs on cloud dashboard from anywhere
Why Using File Activity Spy Alongside A Keylogger?

Spying on file history alongside a keylogger can provide several benefits:

Comprehensive Monitoring: While a keylogger tracks keystrokes, it doesn’t capture file access or changes. Monitoring file history shows what files are opened, edited, or deleted, giving a fuller picture of a user’s activities. Detecting Inappropriate Content: File history can reveal whether a child or employee is accessing or downloading inappropriate or harmful files, which a keylogger alone might miss. Tracking Productivity: In a work environment, monitoring file usage helps ensure employees are working on relevant tasks and not wasting time on unproductive activities. Preventing Data Loss: Monitoring file history can help identify accidental deletions or unauthorized file changes, allowing for quicker recovery and data protection. Understanding Behavior Patterns: By analyzing which files are frequently accessed or modified, you can gain insights into interests or potential issues, helping to foster better communication.

Overall, combining file history monitoring with a keylogger enhances your ability to oversee and understand digital activity more effectively.

Start Using in 3 Easy Steps
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Install it on the PC you want to monitor
Start monitoring and get reported at anytime